Strategy Re-Boot & Process Improvement for Midsize Renewable Energy Company
Duration: One Year
Our strategy reboot began with a fresh start: a blank sheet of paper to envision future options. What are the attributes of each envisioned future? What is required to be successful?
We then completed a GAP analysis and developed an execution plan with crucial steps and timelines supported by market fundamentals and competitive landscape analyses.
Activities Undertaken:
Created iterations of a strategy document for senior management review, input, and presentation to the Board, culminating in the strategy being adopted.
Completed End-to-End process design for capital allocation and growth including: organic business development, strategic partnerships, M&A opportunities, investment guidelines, criteria, and requisite approvals. These activities culminated in a completed manual which was approved and implemented by Senior Management and Board.
We materially contributed to the execution of aspects of the growth plan, including suggested commercial terms, negotiation, and due diligence.
Created and commercially evolved new product development, including a product “strawman”.
Created an ESG Materiality Assessment Tool based on relevant external frameworks (e.g., UNSDGs, SASB, GRESB, TCFD, CDP, GRI, PRI etc.)
Performed ESG Peer Analysis.
Goals Achieved:
To maximize fit and scope efficiencies with client’s major PE-investor parent objectives and processes, we realized Board-approved corporate strategy documents with an optimized end-to-end capital allocation and investment process.
Additionally, we implemented new business development initiatives, including new strategic partnerships with third parties.
Lastly, we prepared an initial ESG Strategy for the Company.